We provide immunization services for your business, school campus, senior center, or assisted living facility. Inquire with our Pharmacy staff to schedule an appointment.
Whooping Cough
Everyone should receive a Whooping Cough booster shot.
Zostavax ™
Everyone over the age of 60 should receive a vaccination
to help prevent shingles.
Pneumococcal vaccination is recommended for all adults age 65 or over, or any adult with health conditions such as diabetes or lung disease.
Everyone should be immunized against the flu every year.
Meningococcal vaccination is recommended for college students, those enrolling in the military and travelers to endemic countries.
Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B
Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B vaccine is recommended for people with "high risk" lifestyles and people whose jobs or travel take them to infected areas.
Gardasil ™
All girls and women ages 9 to 26 years of age should be vaccinated with a three dose series of Gardasil.
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